Sunday, January 26, 2020

Ensuring All Stages Pipelining and Accuracy in PASQUAL

Ensuring All Stages Pipelining and Accuracy in PASQUAL Nachiket D. More Abstract GENOME is term used for genetic material of organism. It is used to encode DNA of organisms, or RNA of various kinds of viruses. Ii contains both coding and non coding parts of DNA/RNA. Now a day’s GENOME is constructed for mostly all animals, viruses, and bacteria’s. These data is mostly used in medical research and as well as to predict disease like cancer, HIV and many more. GENOME is consisting of reads, these reads are very large in amount to manipulate and also to store and maintains. Sequencing machine produce output of short overlapping substrings, these substring are called reads. The sequence assembly reconstructs genome sequence of these reads. These genome sequences are long and continuous. Assembly software for Nest Generation Sequencing (NGS) must be a very accurate, fast and have a less memory consumption. PASQUAL is tool used for faster work of NGS GENOME assembly. For address challenges of NGS assembly, parallel algorithm and compressed data structure are used in PASUQAL. PASQUAL delivers better speed of execution, less memory consumption and better solution quality. Keywords – Parallel algorithm, parallel suffix array construction, high performance bioinformatics, de novo sequence assembly, shared memory parallelism, DNA sequence, genome assembly. Introduction The term â€Å"genome† is used for represent/refer as cellular instruction set. Also it used to refer genetic material of a cell. A genome consist of chromosomes, it can be one or more individual chromosomes. Chromosomes consist of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), and for many viruses it consists of ribonucleic acid (RNA). DNA is made from simple unit called nucleotides (nt). Nucleotides having four types namely A, C, G, and T. In sequence start and end are denoted by 5’ and 3’ respectively. Deducing the order of nucleotides from cell and encoding it as a string of letters is called a DNA sequencing process. This process cannot read whole sequence continuously, so it breaks DNA molecules into small part, which is used in chemical reaction as templates to produce short sub-sequences called reads. Major problem is a reconstruct the original genome sequence from reads. For these purpose GENOME assembly algorithms are used. A GENOME assembly uses many automated rounds to improvements, but it inspected and edited by specialists. Assembling reads into a long contiguous sequence is called contigs. The genome sequencing is process of reading sequence of base pairs (bp). Organism genome consists of base pairs, which is derived from two stranded of complementary bases. This is a main part to the study of genomes in bioinformatics. Except Whole – Genome Shotgun (WGS) sequencing machine, no other current sequencing method is capable to read whole sequence in one pass. De novo assembly not uses any reference sequence aids to reconstruction of original sequence, because of these it is used in PASQUAL. We have to generate a large number of reads in a small amount of time, for these purpose we used a Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) technologies. Due to these it greatly reduces the experimental cost per base. It helps to study organism at genome level, to deeply understanding of biological mechanism and genome regulation. Due to sequencing genome rapidly, it helps researchers to study more on evolution of viruses and bacteria. Because, bacteria and viruses can adopt behavior more easily also generate mutation easily at every step of reproduction. Next Generation Sequencings (NGS) Decoding DNA sequences is essential in all branches of biological research. For these purpose scientist uses the capillary electrophoresis (CE) – based Sanger sequencing, scientists able to manifest genetic information for any biological system. Because of these it is adopted by many research laboratories. But it has many limitations like throughout, scalability, speed and resolution to preclude in scientists research study. To overcome from these problem, these is new technology is introduced namely as Nest-Generation Sequencing (NGS), that become a reason for boost in research area in bioinformatics and genomic science. NGS is responsible for major transformation in path of retrieving information biological system, genome and epigenome of species. This gives an important breakthrough in fields like human disease and agriculture research. The principle behind NGS is similar to CE. CE generates small fragments of DNA. These fragments are sequentially identified from each fragment, which is re-synthesized from DNA template. NGS perform similar work in parallel fashion, which is population of millions of reaction rather than single or few DSN fragments. Due to this NGS produces hundreds of gigabases of data in single pass/sequencing run. NGS perform its operation as – a single genomic DNA is firstly fragmented into numbers of small segments, which is also known as library of segments. These segments are uniformly and accurately sequenced in millions of parallel reactions. These strings of bases are called as reads. Then these reads are reassembled by tow technique, first is known reference genome called as scaffold (re-sequencing) and second is without any reference genome (de novo sequencing). The output is set of aligned reads represents entire sequence of each chromosome in the gDNA. Fig. Conceptual Overview of Whole-Genome Sequencing Extracted gDNA. gDNA is fragmented into a library of small segments that are each sequenced in paralllel. Individual sequence reads are reassembled by aligning to a reference genome. The Whole–genome sequence is derived from the consensus of aligned reads. NGS output is increased as a rate that outpaces Moor’s law. A single pass can produce up to one gigabase (Gb) of data, at the time of invention i.e. in 2007. At 2011 it reaches up to terabase (Tb) of data in single pass/sequencing run. i.e. almost 1000Ãâ€" increase in four years. Because of this ability of NGS, researchers can move from idea to full data sets in few hours or days. Using CE technology sequencing of human genome takes a time around 10 years. But using NGS we can generate five human genomes at a single run. So it reduces the cost of genome projects. In NGS we can tune resolution of genome experiments. It is possible to produce more or less data, also it support zoom in particular regions of genome with high resolution or view with low resolution but it is more expansive. To do these researchers can tune coverage generated in experiments. This ability gives number of experimental design advantages. Because of various advantages of NGS has permeated in many areas of study. Using NGS, researchers can develop a broad range of application that transformed study designs and finding new information never before imaginable. PASQUAL PASQUAL can produce large data in assembly process in terms of memory consumption and running time. PASQUAL stands for PArallel SeQUence AssembLer. It uses OpenMP for shared memory parallelism, because of its good working between programmer productivity and performance. PASQUAL uses OLC approach and obtain high quality solutions with combination of tailored algorithms. PASQUAL can handle billions of bases. It uses de novo assembly, because of it does not need any reference to produce original sequence. Algorithm constructs biological sequences in parallel by suffix array, and it is good key for parallel performance and memory optimization. Index stage and string graph construction is used for finding overlaps. Misassembles of genome sequence by PASQUAL is significantly less than ny other assemblers. PASQUAL can handle billion of bases in less time, because it uses pipelined stages and compressed data. It has advantages over SOAPdenovo and k-mer like SOAPdenovo is only a tool having comparable speed and k-mer is restricted to smaller length than 128. Rather than PASQUAL produces less errors compared to any other tool. 4. Literature Survey 4.1 De Novo Genome Sequence Assembly In year 2008 to 2012 these are many sequencing techniques are developed, due to these there is major drop in cast from 1/100000th to 1/100000th of price. De novo algorithm is inherited from the SOAPdenovo2 framework. De novo sequencing involves novel genome; it requires specific assembly of reads (sequencing reads). It requires unique combination of length, depth of reads also it requires flexible paired-end insert size. Unpatrolled raw read makes confident and efficient production and long contig assemblies. De novo sequencing assembly is preferred for study of non-model organisms, because it is cheaper and easier to construct a genome. The reference-based assembly uses mapping on to reference genome, because of these it has inability to account for incidents of structural alteration of mRNA transcript. De novo assembly provides means to discover new and unknown sequence in biological research. Reading of whole sequence at once is limited, de novo methods are irreplaceable. It mostly used to discover new and unknown sequences, which is important in biodiversity in world. 4.2 Overlap/Layout/Consensus (OLC) Approach Overlap Layout Consensus (OLC) method is used in de novo assembly. It has a three steps overlap, layout and consensus respectively. In overlap stage graph is constructed, graph is made up of basic assembly. In layout stage this given graph is compressed. And in the consensus stage upon graph data, genome sequence is determined. These data is generated in previous two stapes. Overlap:- In the overlap stage, each and every reads are compared with every other read, and these is perform in both direction forward and reverse complement orientations. It is very time consuming procedure especially in set of large reads. Layout:- Finding path in OLC graph in not an easy task, because it has million of nodes and edges, and it very tedious task to find path that visit each node exactly ones. In this stage it OLC assembly graph is simplified, where assembly graph (i.e. segments) are compressed into contigs. Consensus:- This is a final stage of OLC approach, at this step assembly graph is reduced to large scaffolds i.e. single scaffold. It start from left most read of each scaffold, OLC algorithm computes consensus of all the reads composing each scaffold. Gaps in the genome may still be presents if the consensus step had insufficient mate-pair or repeat contig information. If an assembly had gaps, it would result in a fragmented genome, composed of multiple scaffolds because the gaps between the scaffolds could not be joined. 4.3 Shotgun Sequencing Sanger DNA sequencing technique work on limited distance in sequencing primer from 30 to 350 nt i.e. read length. Because of chain termination very few product can produce chain. These work at best ability to sequence maybe 500 bases a day and it is infeasible for human genome which have billions of bases. Another approach is, first divide DNA in to smaller fragments which is individually sequenced. Then these fragments are reassembled into original form based on overlaps. This strategy is known as shotgun sequencing, it also known as shotgun cloning. In shotgun sequencing, it randomly sheared into small pieces (usually about 1kb) and sub cloned into universal cloning vector. The library of sub fragments is sampled at random, and sequence reads are generated. These reads are assembled into contig. From this procedure complete sequence of clone generated. Shotgun technique can identify gaps (i.e. there is no sequence available) and single standard regions (where there is sequence for only one stand). They are targeted for additional sequencing to produce fill sequenced module. 5. Full Stage Pipelining and accuracy in PASQUAL 5.1 Motivation for this topic With an explosive growth of genome research area and in genome sequencing data, there is huge demand for tool and systems that enables researchers to more efficiently and more effectively work. NGS technology can produce shorter reads as compared to previous sequencing and delivers higher coverage. Coverage means ratio of total length of reds to genome length. Typically NGS generates reads from millions to few billion. This result is depending upon genome size and coverage. Due to high improvements in technologies, data sets to grow larger. As well as assembly become more demanding in time and memory consumption. 5.2 Selected area In NGS mainly contains DNA and RNA sequencing. I studied research paper for genome sequencing techniques. Genome sequencing techniques changes rapidly and become more and more advance over the period of time. Now a day’s genome sequencing is not used for research area also in treatments of many diseases. I am choosing full stage pipeline and more accuracy in PASQUAL because today many bioinformatics research topics uses genome sequencing, also it used for research topic in biodiversities. I have studied lots of paper where NGS is suggested for genome sequencing. I used full stage pipelining and more accuracy in PASQUAL NGS genome sequencing. 6. Problem statement Purpose of these research work is make full stage pipelining and more accuracy in PASQUAL genome sequencing. 7. Proposed Solution This system is completely new and it has different techniques to make it efficient for genome sequencing. Currently PASQUAL is not offering full all stages pipelining. Also scaffolding and support of paired-end reads uses third-party tools. It has to be improved error correction. Also acceleration in assembly process and reduce memory consumption. 8. Work done till Today Study of different types of feature PASQUAL. Code for different sequence assembler techniques. Study of different sequencing and assembly algorithms. 9. Objectives Applying full stage pipelining in all stages of PASQUAL. Improving error correction Accelerate the assembly process. Reduce memory consumption. 10. References â€Å"PASQUAL: Parallel Techniques for Next Generation Genome Sequence Assembly† by Xing Liu, Student Member, IEEE, Pushkar R. Pande, Henning Meyerhenke, and David A. Bader, Fellow, IEEE. B.H. Bloom, â€Å"Space/Time Trade-Offs in Hash Coding with Allowable Errors,† Comm. ACM, vol. 13, pp. 422-426, 1970. D. Bryant, W. Wong, and T. Mockler, â€Å"QSRA—A Quality-Value Guided de Novo Short Read Assembler,† BMC Bioinformatics, vol. 10, no. 1, p. 69, 2009. J. Butler, I. MacCallum, M. Kleber, I.A. Shlyakhter, M.K. Belmonte, E.S. Lander, C. Nusbaum, and D.B. Jaffe, â€Å"ALLPATHS: De Novo Assembly of hole-Genome Shotgun Microreads,† GenomeResearch, vol. 18, no. 5, pp. 810-820, 2008. H. Dinh and S. Rajasekaran, â€Å"A Memory-Efficient Data Structure Representing Exact-Match Overlap Graphs with Application for Next-Generation DNA Assembly,† Bioinformatics, vol. 27, pp. 1901-1907, 2011. J. Dohm, C. Lottaz, T. Borodina, and H. Himmelbauer, â€Å"SHARCGS, A Fast and Highly Accurate Short-Read Assembly Algorithm for de Novo Genomic Sequencing,† Genome Research, vol. 17, no. 11, pp. 1697-1706, 2007. U. Manber and G. Myers, â€Å"Suffix Arrays: A New Method for OnLine String searches,† Proc. First Ann. ACM-SIAM Symp. DiscreteAlgorithms, pp. 319-327, 1990.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Brand Hierarchy

Smart Principles for Designing a Brand Hierarchy We all know the recession has drastically impacted consumer behaviors, but we may often overlook its direct impact on brands themselves. The recession has changed the way marketers manage their brand portfolios as they try to do more with less. As such, marketers are taking a closer look at how then can stretch existing brand equity across a greater number of products, often taking a parent brand/sub-brand approach. We generally see four different sub-brand approaches, each with their own benefits and risks: 1.Driver Sub-Brands—A driver sub-brand encourages purchase decisions by representing the value proposition central to the user experience. The parent brand endorses the sub-brand—but it’s the sub-brand that defines the consumer’s perceptions of the product or service experience and proves the primary driver motivating consumer purchase. Take the Gillette Fusion razor. Customers primarily buy the technolo gy and performance represented by the Fusion name. Fusion is the driver brand while Gillette creates a strong identity and clear visibility for the Fusion name on the package, retail rack, and in consumers’ minds.As you might guess, if a company is going to take a driver sub-branding approach, then the sub-brand must generate real response to its entrance in the marketplace to succeed. 2. Co-Driver Sub-Brands—In this case both the parent brand and the sub-brand play major—and often equal—roles in driving the consumer toward purchase. Cadillac’s Escalade sub-brand serves as a co-driver, as both the Cadillac and Escalade brand names influence consumers’ purchase decisions.While consumers associate the Cadillac name with top of the line performance, quality, and style, the Escalade brand compounds that image with the slightly rugged, more versatile associations of a sports utility vehicle. Cadillac marketers leverage the associations of both dr iver brands to command market share in the luxury sports utility vehicle category, as well as generating significant demand for the car among Hollywood celebrities attracted to the brand’s image of luxury, spaciousness, and high performance versatility.In co-driver situations, both the parent brand’s image and the sub-brand’s image together influence the consumer’s decision to purchase the product. 3. Descriptor Sub-Brands—As implied by the name, descriptor brands communicate a distinct facet of the parent brand—e. g. , class, feature, target segment, or function. For example, Purina Dog Food maintains the following descriptive brands: Dog Chow, Beneful, Hi-Pro, Fit & Trim, Puppy Chow, Moist & Meaty.Purina Brand Dog Food uses these descriptor sub-brands to more accurately meet the needs of individual dog breeds and the specific demands of dog owners. While all dogs could potentially thrive off of the standard Puppy and Dog Chow offerings, de veloping specialized offerings for overweight, high-energy, and performance dogs defined by a unique descriptor sub-brand enables owners to better address their dog’s perceived needs. This is the riskiest category of sub-brands, as the sub-brand may cannibalize the parent brand if insufficient differentiation among the varieties exists. . Endorsed Sub-Brands—In an endorsed sub-brand relationship, the parent brand often provides support and credibility to the sub-brand’s claims in a more explicit fashion than co-drivers (for example, Rugby by Ralph Lauren). Endorsed sub-brands provide consumers with assurance that the sub-brand will deliver on the same value propositions as the parent offering, enabling the parent brand to expand into new markets while retaining its established brand position.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Environmental Problems in El Salvador

With a total land mass of just 8,124 square miles, El Salvador is the smallest country in Central America. Like many of its’ neighboring countries, it possesses very few natural resources. Since the nation’s economy is based predominantly on agriculture, it’s no surprise that its’ citizens often experience â€Å"resource roller coasters†. In addition, its’ long history of inappropriate land tenure and ownership practices date all the way back to colonialism. Even more strikingly, â€Å"sixty percent of El Salvador’s population is expected to live in the capital by 2010. As a result, El Salvador has to deal with continuing environmental problems. The fact that the nation lies along the Pacific Ring of fire doesn’t help either, which subjects the country to frequent earthquakes and volcanic activity. The environmental problems that El Salvador continually struggles with are deforestation, soil erosion, water pollution, contaminat ion and lack of bio-diversity. El Salvador is the second most deforested country in Latin American after Haiti. In fact, nearly eighty five percent of its forest has disappeared since the 1960's.Today, less than 6,000 hectares are now considered to be primary forest. Deforestation in El Salvador occurs as a result of timber exploitation for fuel. The nation’s high population relies heavily on the collection of fuel wood and subsistence hunting and agriculture. Since the end of the 1990's, the country’s deforestation rate has increased by eighteen percent. The environmental, social and economic effects of deforestation have been nothing short of devastating. To date, more than fifty percent of El Salvador isn’t even suitable for food cultivation.In addition, much of the country suffers from severe soil erosion. The massive deforestation that the nation has experienced has dislodged the top soil and has even changed the climate according to environmental experts. What used to be a heavily wooded region is now more like a desert. Deforestation is so severe in El Salvador that it has forced people into the capital city of San Salvador, where overcrowding has caused problems such as smog. â€Å"At least 11,000 Salvadoran children die every year because of respiratory ailments believed related to air pollution, according to one study. Although the El Salvadoran government has attempted to respond to the problem of deforestation, they have not been particularly successful. They have created deforestation laws, but due to lack of funds and management, the laws often go unenforced. In addition, soil erosion and infertility are quite prevalent in El Salvador. These problems stem mostly from poor agricultural practices. Farmers typically use a â€Å"slash and burn† farming method, which consists of cutting and burning down forests in order to use the areas for agriculture. This method destroys all vegetation and leaves the surrounding soil vu lnerable to extreme erosion.Unfortunately, since it is becoming more and more difficult to find land that is suitable for cultivation, farmers have no choice but to do this. Farming is their livelihood and quite frankly they will do anything to survive. What’s even more disheartening is the fact that the land that is suitable for cultivation has already been bought to use for construction of maquilas. In some cases, soil erosion has even buried communities in landslides and floods have submerged large areas of flat land. The soil is also unable to retain humidity causing drought conditions in the dry season.Most agricultural soil has even been acidified due to the irrational use of inorganic fertilizers, pesticides, and other forms of pollution. Luckily, the government has responded to this problem and is encouraging farmers to take advantage of improved agricultural technologies. These technologies include planting deep rooted grasses and trees on hillsides to control soil e rosion. However, farmers should not expect much financial assistance to take advantage of these new technologies because the El Salvadoran government simply does not have much to give.Thirdly, water pollution is another environmental problem that plague El Salvador. Despite receiving six feet of rainfall each year, most of the nation’s water is highly contaminated. In fact, thousands are killed each year due to water contamination, many of whom are children. At the same time, most of the citizens of the nation cannot afford bottled water. After the twelve year civil war destroyed much of the country’s infrastructure, poor areas became even poorer. Homes and water sources had been destroyed by militia during the war. After returning home, some citizens chose to hand dig wells in order to obtain drinking water.However, many others went to their nearest stream, river or pond to collect water. These unsafe and contaminated water sources caused many people to become ill wit h intestinal diseases. According to Ricardo Navarro, El Salvador’s government has failed to protect its’ most precious resource: â€Å"Farmers have cut down forests that used to store rain water. Ranchers have allowed their livestock to pollute rivers. Communities have put latrines too close to shallow wells. † Others, such as Marisol Prima Ponza, who runs a government dispensary that tracks the health of 375 children in several communities, believe that things are improving. There have been fewer cases of diarrhea,† she says. â€Å"For example, from January to August of this year I have only recorded 17 cases. † Ponza also added that these improvements are due to several projects that have been implemented to improve water conditions. El Salvador’s government can not claim that they have played a large role in any improvements though. In fact, sixty three percent of water improvement programs were financed through international loans and gra nts, twenty one percent through self-financing by ANDA and only sixteen percent with actual government resources.Many citizens and international groups alike have been putting pressure on the government to improve water conditions as well. In fact, March 22 is declared as World Water Day when thousands of people protest in the streets of San Salvador. They typically protest the four main components of the country’s water crisis: high cost of water, unjust distribution of water, contaminated water and environmental destruction. Despite some improvements, poor water sanitation continues to remain one of the main environmental problems of El Salvador. Another environmental problem that El Salvador must deal with on a daily basis is contamination.The nation’s soil is constantly being contaminated from the disposal of toxic wastes. Each day, El Salvador produces over two thousand metric tons of garbage. Over half of the garbage that is produced is disposed of illegally in o pen air dumps. In actuality, only two legal garbage dumps exist for the entire country to share. The whole country, especially the Greater San Salvador area contaminates a great deal of its garbage by â€Å"mixing organic with inorganic garbage, biodegradable or reusable materials with non-biodegradable or toxic waste. By doing this, many recycling opportunities are completely lost and the cost of recovering the recyclable materials would simply not be worth it. Unfortunately, the nation’s restrictions on any kind of waste disposal are quite lax and they do not provide people with the resources for proper disposal anyway. In addition, nearly half of the nation’s garbage is toxic waste which is harmful to human and environmental health. Factories and hospitals alike simply dump their garbage into nearby rivers and lakes which contaminates the water.Unfortunately, the response from the municipal government in San Salvador barely makes a dent in the problem. Nonetheless, if its model extended throughout the nation and made its way into the platforms of public officials as well as environmental organizations, then positive change would probably occur. For a country whose environment is badly deteriorating, this is a life or death situation and must be properly addressed. Garbage collectors themselves can be seen handling garbage with their bare hands on any given day, which subjects them to many types of infections.According to the garbage collectors themselves, there isn’t a very good communication flow between them and the environmental sanitation office. Many of the people that work at the mayor’s office are not even aware of a pilot project to separate garbage. In addition, the equipment that would be needed for the project would not even be affordable due to San Salvador’s poor economic conditions. Unfortunately, the mayor’s good intentions are simply not helpful without the proper funding and effort. Lastly, another environmental issue that affects El Salvador is the loss of bio-diversity.It’s not that the nation naturally lacks bio-diversity, but rather the result of many years of environmental abuse. In particular, the nation’s wildlife and native plant life are suffering due to soil degradation, poor water quality and subsistence hunting. Despite these problems, more than 508 species of birds, 121 mammals, 130 reptiles and amphibians, and over 2000 plant species were recorded in the nation in 1998. Even though these numbers have probably decreased since then due to the government’s lack of emphasis on natural resources training, they are still not devastating by any means.In fact, El Salvador encompasses over seven percent over the world’s total biodiversity. However, these plants and animal species are not going to save themselves. If the nation’s other environmental issues are not addressed then the distinction of some of these plants and animals is inev itable. The environmental problems in El Salvador are an important issue to the state because they all lead to others problems.For example, contamination has led to water pollution which has led to illness and people’s livelihoods depend on whether they are healthy enough to work. As mentioned several of times, the state has definitely not done enough to ddress the environmental problems in which they are suffering from. Even when they do address the problems and create plans to fix them, they usually lack the money to carry the plans through. Any money that they do have to fix the problem is typically obtained through international grant and loan programs, like the United Nations. Some improvements have been made in El Salvador, such as the integration of legal garbage dumps, but since only two exist, the improvements have not been immense. The environmental problems have weakened the economy and in turn, the weakened economy is what is preventing the problems from being fix ed.It’s not that the elected officials of El Salvador do not have goals and visions for their state, but it’s that they can’t carry them through economically. Perhaps educating the citizens of El Salvador about how to care for the environment and farm correctly is one of the first steps. International groups also need to continue to put pressure on the state through protests, such as they did on World Water Day and their funding needs to continue. By improving their environmental problems, El Salvador has the ability to prosper more than anyone has ever even imagined.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Introduction. How Many People Listen To Music That Is

Introduction: How many people listen to music? That is a pretty open-ended question considering that in this day in age music exists everywhere. People run into music at the mall, at work, or any public place for that matter, on the radio, in the comfort of their own homes, and etcetera. Music is a part of our society, and it cannot be separated from us. It is used to convey emotion when nothing else can, and it is a great art form and recreational activity. But, how does music affect us in any way relating to our thoughts and actions, or does it do nothing? Negative connotations within music can make people within our society, especially the younger generations, more calloused and more accepting of inappropriate ideas and actions.†¦show more content†¦It would be an even bigger task to ask artists to change the way they write and portray their music. Artists put their heart and soul into their music and asking them to change it will not make them very happy because they would feel like t hat piece of music was losing a part of their soul. Many people do not think that they, the listeners themselves, are calloused and desensitized to these negative connotations within music. Explicit content within music is also more normalized and people are not questioning the fact that they are okay with this content. They are just accepting it because it has been normalized within our society. Arguments: Music containing sexually explicit content makes people in today’s world more calloused and more accepting of sexually activity. How do lyrics play a role in all of this? Lyrics play a huge role in enabling our society to normalize sex in everyday conversation. Songs with sexually explicit lyrics reinforce the idea that premarital sex is okay among younger generations. Studies show that premarital sex is more accepted by adolescents if they listen to explicit music compared those that do not listen to explicit music (Zhang, 2008). Furthermore, music that contains lyrics with negative connotations can also have a negative effect on society since we are always going to be exposed to music. Music that has lyrics depicting suicide and other harmful implicationsShow MoreRelatedThe Effect Of Internet On The Music Industry1432 Words   |  6 Pagesinternet in the music industry is having harmful consequences. But is this entirely true? Music has always been an important part of people s lives, with the earliest forms of music being simply hitting rocks together to produce sounds. Over the years, music has developed into something more profound; a way of capturing the feelings and emotions of a composer or lyricist, which the listener can relate to and empathise with. 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